Friday, July 30, 2010

A Pocketful of Pictures

The view from our apartment
Hmmm... no wonder this picture wasn't on the apartment ad. Kara has very accurately dubbed this the "Cow Closet."
Can you say YUM?
Versailles bike tour
Our first French crepe!
In our extremely fashionable rain ponchos at Versailles.
The famous Hall of Mirrors
Marie Antoinette's bedroom. She had the wall tapestries changed with every season and this is the summer tapestry.
Gardens at Versailles
Our Metro stop
Sacre Coeur
The beautiful Montmartre neighborhood
Moulin Rouge
Notre Dame
One of the rose windows

Nutella is pretty much the best food ever and there is no lack of it here in Paris! :)
We waited here for almost three hours in order to see the Tour riders.
Here they come! The riders whizzed by eight times.
The Eiffel Tower!
Notre Dame

The Seine in the evening
Very impressive stained glass in Sainte Chapelle
Sainte Chapelle
One of the six Lady and the Unicorn tapestries
The Luxembourg Garden
Our little boat
Sunset from our apartment window
I think we ate too many baguettes.
Kara is obviously suffering from the same problem ;)
This is the same gargoyle we have at home! Dad brought our model back from Paris several years ago.
Our best gargoyle faces
The view from the top of Notre Dame
Everywhere you look in Paris there is something beautiful to see!

Bonjour! Morgan here, and I have been given the assignment of posting some of the pictures I've taken thus far. Let me just say, Paris is awesome! I am so glad that we're here for four weeks because there is so much to do, see, and experience. I'm sure I will be doing a post soon but in the meantime enjoy the photos!

1 comment:

  1. Awww that looks so fun! Glad you guys are having a blast! And ps morgan, that pic of you and the eifel tower is freaking gorgeous!! :D
