Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Pigeon Slayer Conquers Paris - Sat. 7/24

Hi!!! This is Heather and I am writing about our terrific day involving Notre Dame, Scare Course, Crepes and pigeons! The day started off with us getting up pretty earlier because none of us were used to the time difference. So we headed to the Metro were we would be catching a ride to a market Andrew had told us about. We got on the metro and we took off. But on the next stop there was a massive group off people waiting to get on! And i'm thinking, “Its ok we will all fit no big deal!” So the get on. We ride to the next stop. And by the way the temperature is rising. This stop has an even bigger group of people and i'm thinking! “This is impossible” the doors open people rush in they push the y shove and if dad weren’t holding on to me I problem would’ve been pinned to the wall! Finally the doors open and we get out! Sweet Sweet air! Never have I seen so many people compacted into a small space! So we keep walking in pursuit of the market! But all we find is a few stores that aren’t great. so we stop for lunch and got yummy pita sandwiches! Next we decided to climb up to Sacre Coeur maybe climb is a underestimate! Perhaps scale hustle up journey ! what I mean is there are stairs that lead up to a gaint beautiful church. And these staris are some long serious steep stairs! So we climbed up the stairs and the view that awaited us was more then worth it! You could see all off paris even the eifle tower! Then we went inside Sacre Coeur and saw the beautiful mosaics on the ceiling off Christ and we saw all the candles and It was very cool to see all the statues and paintings. After the Sacre Coeur we wandered around in a cute little town of Monmartre full of Artist, crepes and plenty of old houses. We walked around a little market with pretty art. And Kara found a picture of the Eifle Tower she wanted to buy! Then we strolled along the cobblestone streets and browsed the shops. Soon our feet started to hurt so we got on the metro and headed to notre Dame. The one thing all 5 off us said when we saw notredame was “WOW” when you stand farth enough back you can take it all in and itss beautiful! We sat outside some and their were pigeons EVERYEHERE!People would put bread in their hands and the birds would fly in and sit on their han eat bread then fly off! Let me tell you it was Bird Central! Kara and me walked around and looked at Charlemine a big statue in the courtyard of Notre Dame. Kara and I were joking don’t hit the pigeons! Because I had a rubber band I was flinging into the air! When Kara turned around to study the statue I jokingly (not on purpose no matter what my family tells you) lifted my rubber band as if to hit one of the pigeons. Suddenly my rubber band slipped it flew throe the air and hit that bird squarely on the back! It looked around stunned then flew away in a flurry!!! Just then Kara turned around and saw me standing there dumbfounded that I actually hit the pigeon. With my rubber band on the floor! All this only happened in the course of 3 seconds! I told all this too my family who have now kindly dubbed me pigeon slayer! So with that we went in to Notre Dame and saw the beautiful statues the amazing arches and breathtaking treasury! We were all tired so we rode the metro to pizza Pinos a restaurant by our apartment! Which was really yummy then we went home and fell asleep! Over all it was an amazing day full of adventure and apparently pigeon slaying!

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